Ginger Got Groomed!

A friend of mine is a mental health therapist and works with older adults. Recently he had to hospitalize one of his clients who owned a dog named Ginger. With no place to take the dog, he asked me to help. He asked if I could pick up Ginger from his apartment and board her for a while. The apartment manager let me into the run down apartment where Ginger was. Talk about scared! Ginger was a wreck. I had to crawl under a bed to get her. She’s at least 10 years old and was matted all over and smelled like urine. She shook like crazy and wouldn’t eat for almost a week. She shyed away from any attempt to pet her, and she wouldn’t come. I was very concerned about her. After about a week I finally got her to eat a little wet food. And after about 2 weeks I took her to the vet for a check up. Other than having missing and rotted teeth she got a clean Bill of health. I also got her groomed. She had to be washed three times to get rid of the urine smell. She’s about 8 lbs with silky shiny blonde hair. I’m sure she feels so much better. And she’s shaking much less and roaming the yard not with a little bit of confidence. She doesn’t really seem to care about the other dogs, but she’s gotten some TLC from Justice that she doesn’t seem to mind. It’s taken some time but I feel so much better about how Ginger is feeling and expect her comfort level to rise even more. Any change of environment for a dog her age is traumatic. Going slow and lots of TLC is the remedy. They will eventually adjust.


Puppies will be Puppies….for a LONG time.


Be Careful when its Hot!