What are you waiting for…part 2

Most likely, whenever you describe a dog that you saw somewhere you’re describing behavior. Let's say you were at the park or at a coffee show or somewhere, and you saw a dog that really caught your attention, and later that day you decided to tell a friend about that dog. Well I would bet that the first words out of your mouth, or in the first 2 or 3 sentences you would be describing the behavior of that dog, the dogs personality, and or it’s relationship to its owner. You probably wouldn’t say very much about what color the dog was, what size the dog was, or what breed it was. If the dog was out of control, barking at other dogs or people, or acting unruly, you’d probably describe that dog as “crazy” or “nuts”. If the dog was well behaved and friendy you’d probably describe it as a “cool” dog, or really nice. Because at the end of the day what makes us fond of dogs is their personality and behavior. So when somebody gets a dog just based on looks and doesn't take into consideration the breed specific characteristics and what may or may not come along with that dog, then they're really starting off on the wrong foot. So regardless of how cute the new dog is, and regardless of breed, most people should start training the dog early developing some communication with the dog early versus waiting till the dog has learned bad behavior and habits. Owners should take responsibility for their dogs behavior. So sooner than later is the best time to start training.


Choosing a Dog Trainer…part 1


What are you waiting for…??