Dogs & the Coronavirus…part 1

Needless to say, we are in highly unusual times. It is a stressful time that requires adjustments to lifestyle, time spent at home, and around others including our dogs. The Coronavirus has disrupted our lives and caused all of us to make adjustments. With stay and place, safe at home, social distancing orders, and school closures, that means more people are working from home, school age children are now at home, and that our homes are busier on a daily basis than usually. Your dog is undoubtedly getting more stimulation. Through more walks, , more play and interaction, he or she is ultimately getting less rest. This can result in behavioral changes like pushing boundaries, being more mischevious, begging for attention, etc. Every dog is different, so you’ll need to observe and then make the necessary adjustments. Most dogs sleep about 75% of a normal day. But with the increase in activity at home that’s probably not possible anymore. So depening on how your dog reacts, you may want to consider creating some down time or relax time for your dog by putting it in another room, having he or she lay down, or even snuggling up during a nap for yourself. Overall it’s important realize that this is a time of change for everyone including your dog. So observe behavior and be willing to make the adjustments necessary for life to continue as stress free as possible. The time is stressful enough but our dogs don't have to suffer. It's actually a good time to either reconnect or connect better with your dog. More on some ways to do this in part 2……


Choosing a Dog Trainer…part 1