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Dog Bite Prevention Training

Empowering employees to protect themselves from dog attacks

Why Choose Our Training?

On-Site Training

Our on-site training program is designed to equip your employees with the necessary skills to prevent and handle dog attacks effectively.

Tailored Regional Training

We offer tailored training programs in specific regions or cities, ensuring that your employees are prepared to deal with local dog behavior and risks.

Expert Trainers

Our professional trainers are experienced in dog behavior and safety measures, providing valuable insights and guidance to the participants.


About Dog Bite Prevention Training

Our Mission

SMART DOGS FOUNDER & DIRECTOR OF TRAINING - Jeff Todd has over 25 years of World Class dog training experience, and has personally trained over 20,000 dogs. His extensive experience, & knowledge of dog behavior allows us to provide the guidance & support that our clients needs.

Training Programs

Onsite training classes are hosted at your location, and online. Smart Dogs offers classes that provide a comprehensive presentation on dog bite prevention and safety.


In 2023, approximately 4.5 million people in the U.S. were bitten by dogs, with children aged 5-9 being at the highest risk. Over 50% of all dog bite victims are children, and the majority of bites occur on the owner's property. Among the breeds involved in the most severe incidents, pit bulls, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers account for about 75% of reported bites. Male dogs, especially those that are not neutered, are more likely to bite than female dogs.​


Dog bites can also be costly. The average insurance claim for a dog bite in 2023 was $64,555, and fatalities from dog attacks range from 30 to 50 annually in the U.S. States like California, Florida, Texas, and New York report the highest number of dog bite claims.


These statistics highlight the importance of education and prevention training to reduce risks, and increase the safety of those who work around dogs.


Why do you need to know about dog bite safety?

Anyone who can relate to the statements below can benefit from Smart Dogs dog bite prevention and safety training:

An employee has had repeated issues with canine encounters that have or have not lead to an attack.

Someone in your company has been bitten during the course of his or her workday.

Your employees are unaware of how to respond when faced with an on the job canine.

Can You Afford to Ignore Dog Bite Safety?



We are among the most experienced and successful dog trainers in the United States.
Obedience, housebreaking, problem solving, etc.


A trained dog is a happy dog!

At Your Service in Los Angeles, CA with additional training locations in Portland, OR, and Seattle, WA.

Follow us on Social Media:

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Call 855.522.DOGS (3647)
Los Angeles: 818-371-1231
Portland: 971-400-DOGS (3647)

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